Applied Decision Analysis (ADA)
AT + T Labs -- Research: Statistics Research, Home Page
DataStep Developmentprovide information about research, data analysis, the application of statistics, and the interpretation and display of quantitative information, along with free on-line guides to data analysis.
InfoStat Corporation Information Services
INVISO Gesellschaft fuer Kommunikations- und Marketingforschung mbH Hannover
Jan Werner Data Processing
Mangen Research Associates, Inc. - Creating Tools for Business Development
Medizinisch-wissenschaftliche Beratung Dr. med. Hartmut Buhck - Dipl.-Betriebswirt Dietmar Schöps
Michael Wolf Informationssysteme
MIMAS Home Page
N.W. Behavioral Associates
OmniQuest Das Field- + Tab-Institut Homepage
RRC, Inc.
Software for the analysis of text: TextQuest + INTEXT
STATCON - Statistische Software und Dienstleistungen
Statistische Analysen und Beratung: HomepageStatistische Analysen und Beratung Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Dörthe Üstünsöz-Beurer
TARGET GROUP GmbH - Forschung, Consulting und Systementwicklung
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