Prompts the user to choose from the list of given launch configurations and returns the config the user choose or null
if the user pressed Cancel or if the given list is empty.
00362 {
00363 if (configs.isEmpty()) {
00364 return null;
00365 }
00366 ILabelProvider labelProvider = DebugUITools.newDebugModelPresentation();
00367 ElementListSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementListSelectionDialog(
00368 Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), labelProvider);
00369 dialog.setElements(configs.toArray(new ILaunchConfiguration[configs
00370 .size()]));
00371 dialog.setTitle("Choose Launch Configuration for Shortcut");
00372 String msg = "Multiple 'R Code Submit' launch configurations marked for the use as shortcut configurations exist. Please select a launch configuration from the list. ";
00373 dialog.setMessage(msg);
00374 dialog.setMultipleSelection(false);
00375 int result =;
00376 labelProvider.dispose();
00377 if (result == Window.OK) {
00378 return (ILaunchConfiguration) dialog.getFirstResult();
00379 }
00380 return null;
00381 }