Rsubmit: Eclipse Plugin for R code submit. (0.0.1 Alpha)

The Rsubmit plugin executes selected R source code from within an editor window. The code is passed to a (local or remote) Rserve session and the output is streamed back to Eclipse.

Eclipse update site:



Warnings | What's new | Features | What's missing (currently) | Requires... | Download, install Rsubmit | Using Rsubmit | Usage scenarios | Bugs | Contains code from... | The Making of ... | Copyright


What's new


What's missing (currently)


Download, install Rsubmit

Installation tips for Rserve under Windows

Starting Rserve

a local Rserve session from within eclipse

(Works with Linux) In this case the console will display the full R output. Please disable the console output via socket connection.

a local Rserve session from within eclipse

Using Rsubmit

Again: Start Rserve first!

Create a sample project.

To test the application, please create a new Project:


By clicking "R code submit" entry the application will create a default launch configuration. This launch configuration tries to connect to an Rserve session on server "localhost", port "6311". These are the default settings.

To do this,

The output will be displayed in the submit console window. If you work on a remote Rserve server or didn't start your Rserve session from within Eclipse, only those code lines with an explicit print()-Statement will be displayed.

Create and manage launch configurations

To view or change the default configuration:




Which editor for R files?

R code submit works with every "real" Eclipse editor. I'm using a version of the StatET editor (with syntax hightlighting for R). I's available from (Update site:

Access to files within R Workspace

There is currently no way to download or open files from Rserve sessions.

What you can do (on a local sessions) is to set the workspace directory to an appropriate directory within the Eclipse workspace.

Create a directory (e.g. "work") within your project workspace within Eclipse. Right click the new directory and select "Properties". Copy and paste the "Location"- entry to the R code window. Use the function "setwd(<Location directory>)" to set the working directory of R to the Eclipse workspace directory.

Please note: you have to refresh the "work"-directory in Eclipse to view newly created files.

Usage scenarios

Some ideas for using this plugin:


This is alpha software. Please don't be too disappointed. I also had to rush this release a bit (don't ask why).

Issues were:

Contains code from...

The Making of ...

Essential ingredients:


Alle Rechte dieser Anwendung und der zugehörigen Dokumente und Dateien liegen beim Autor: Friedrich Schuster,

Die Anwendung unterliegt der GPL.

Soweit sich keine weiteren Einschränkungen aus der GPL ergeben, gelten die folgenden Festlegungen:

Für die Dateien, Inhalte und Konzepte der Anwendung wird gefordert, soweit im Einzelfall nicht anders geregelt und soweit nicht fremde Rechte betroffen sind, das die Verbreitung als Ganzes oder in Teilen davon in elektronischer und gedruckter Form unter der Bedingung erwünscht ist, solange die Quelle ("Friedrich Schuster") und die URL ( genannt werden.

Ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung des Autors ist eine kommerzielle Verbreitung ausdrücklich untersagt.

Generated on Mon Jun 26 20:41:03 2006 for RSubmit by  doxygen 1.4.6